How do I override or waive a fine?


Overriding a Block

1. Once you look up a patron under Manage Patron Services, a message will appear that prompts you to override a block.  Click “Override”.

Waiving an Individual Fine or Fee

1. On the main Alma page, change the search type to User and then search for the patron whose fine or fee needs to be waived.

2. Go to the fines and fees tab, click the ellipsis next to the particular fine or fee you wish to waive, and then click the “Waive” link.


Waiving Fines or Fees in Bulk

1. From the main Alma page, go to Admin | User Management | Bulk Fine Waiving.

2. Add a dollar value to the maximum Fine Threshold to Waive field.  If the total amount of a user’s fines is greater than the threshold, none of the user's fines are waived.

3.Check the Exclude Users With Overdue Loans if you do not want to waive fines for users who currently have overdue loans.

4. Select the user group whose files you wish to waive from the User Group dropdown.  If you'd like to select multiple user groups, cold down the CTRL key and click on each user group you'd like to select.

5. Select the types of fines you'd like to waive from the Waive Fines Types dropdown.  If you'd like to select multiple fine types, cold down the CTRL key and click on each fine type you'd like to select.

6. Select a waiving reason from the Waiving Reason dropdown and add a waiving comment to the Waiving Comment field.

7. Click the Run Bulk Fine Waiving button. 

  • Last Updated Sep 15, 2021
  • Views 95
  • Answered By Fullerton College Librarian

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