How do I loan and return items?


Table of Contents:


Loan an Item

Loan an Item with a Damaged or Missing Barcode

Loan an Item that Says "No Item Found"

Currently at Location

  • To check-out physical inventory to a patron, log in to Alma and verify that your current location is the circulation desk where you want to work. If not, click the location icon and select the desired location
  • You can select ‘Always show current location’ to display your location in the menu bar.

Loan an Item

  • In the Fulfillment menu, click ‘Manage Patron Services.’ 
  • Enter the patron's Student/Faculty ID number or use the list icon to find the patron by barcode or name and click Go:
  • The patron’s record is opened to the Loans tab.
  • Scan the item barcode or type the item’s barcode and click Ok. The item is checked-out to the patron.
  • Click Done to finish the transaction and generate a receipt if configured.

No Item Barcode

  • If the item barcode has fallen-off or is illegible, you can search for the barcode by clicking the list icon and conducting a simple or advanced repository search for the physical item - for example, according to author, title, isbn, etc.

No Item Record

Let's say you scan the barcode and get an error message: “Item not found”. This means that there is no record for this item in Alma.

  • If you have the necessary user permissions, you can create an item record by clicking ‘Create item.’
  • Select ‘New’ to create a new bibliographic record to which the new item record will be attached, or ‘Existing’ to create an item for an existing bibliographic record. Click ‘Choose.’
  • Existing:
    • Enter the title in the ‘Title’ field or click the list icon to conduct an All titles repository search. Select the bibliographic record and click ‘Save’.
    • The new item record is created and the item is checked-out to the patron. Behind the scenes, a work order has been created to send the item to the technical services department upon check-in.
  • New:
    • Select the Citation Type - either Book or Article - and a simple cataloging template opens.
    • Complete the Title field and the inventory information: Library, Location and Barcode. Complete any additional fields you like. Deselect the ‘Suppress from Discovery’ checkbox if you would like the record to be published to Primo or Summon, and click Save.
    • Behind the scenes, a new bibliographic record is created, with a new holdings and item record attached. The item is checked-out to the patron and a new work order is created, as before.
  • Last Updated Sep 15, 2021
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Fullerton College Librarian

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