How do I change a loan status from "claimed return" or "lost" to "found?"


If a patron finds an item thought to be Claimed Returned or Lost:

  1. Select/Verify current l­­­­­­­ocation
  2. Go to Fulfillment >> Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan/Type patron ID (If typing ID, click Go)
  4. On the Loans tab (the default), change the Loan Display drop-down to All Loans
  5. Find the item in the list 
  6. Click the row action item list icon (the ellipsis) and select Found
  7. Click OK to complete
  8. The item will return to a status of Loan, and any replacement fees will be removed
  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2021
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Fullerton College Librarian

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