How do I renew an item?


  • Patrons can renew their own items online in Primo.
  • In Alma, you can renew one, a few, or all items on loan to a patron.

To renew an item:

  1. Go to Fulfillment >> Manage Patron Services
  2. Scan or manually type patron ID number (if manually typing ID, click on Go)
  3. Go to Loan Display and select All Loans
  4. There are three renewal choices depending on what the patron wants to renew:
    1. Renew all loans: Renew all by clicking Renew All above the loaned items list
    2. Renew individual items: Individually renew an item by clicking on the the ellipsis next to the item and selecting Renew. Repeat for each item you want to renew.
    3. Using the checkboxes: Renew or change date for specific loans by checking the boxes on the left side of list, then clicking on Renew selected or Change due date
  5. If an item fails to renew (if the item has been requested, for example), you will see an exception on the top of the screen.
    • Alma confirms how many items were or were not renewed successfully in a message with a blue background.
    • A "fail" error alert with a red background may also appear.
  • Last Updated Sep 15, 2021
  • Views 138
  • Answered By Fullerton College Librarian

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