Answered By: Dave Brown
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2022     Views: 14329

As of September 2022 (by Khaoi Mady, ACT Director):

The new wireless networks named EMPLOYEE and STUDENT are now available to use by all Fullerton College employees and students. Use your email account’s username without the and your password associated with your Fullerton College email address to connect to EMPLOYEE or STUDENT. Click TRUST CERTIFIFICATE if prompted by your device.

A comprehensive configuration and how-to connect webpage can be found here:

This is only part of the wireless network refresh project. Outdoor wireless signals are still limited, but we are working on improving coverage. Current outdoor wireless coverage limitations are due to hardware backorders. FC STAFF and FC STUDENT wireless signals are still available, but we encourage you to use EMPLOYEE or STUDENT whenever possible. Please contact ACT Help Desk at if you have any issues regarding your connection to the new wireless network.


Staff, Faculty, and Hourly employees



For more assistance or for persistent difficulties connecting to the Wi-Fi, please contact the ACT Help Desk at (714) 992-7111. 

Comments (1)

  1. The following was posted at as of 2018:

    FCNet Wifi-System
    ACT has completed expansion of the campus Wi-Fi system. Coverage is available campus wide except parking lots and sports fields. There are now four official FCNet Wi-Fi networks with varying levels of access:

    FC Staff:
    Requires an FCNet Staff account to authenticate
    After initial login, device will connect automatically whenever in range
    Access to Internet and the same FCNet staff resources as computers on the wired network
    FC Student:
    Requires an FCNet Student account to authenticate
    After initial login, device will connect automatically whenever in range
    Access to Internet and the same FCNet student resources as computers on the wired network
    FC WiFi:
    Requires an FCNet account to authenticate
    Login required each time a device connects
    Access to Internet only
    FC Public:
    Open access public network – does not require an account to authenticate
    Access to Internet only
    If you have any questions regarding the FCNet Wi-Fi networks, please contact the ACT Help Desk at (714) 992-7111
    by Help Desk on Nov 17, 2018