Answered By: FC Librarian
Last Updated: Sep 29, 2022     Views: 828

Good day,

Thank you for writing to the Fullerton College Library.

We are sorry that you are having difficulty logging in.

I'd like to start with a clarification: What are you trying to log in to? Are you trying to log in to the electronic databases remotely? Are you trying to log in to your personal account within one of the library databases or within our catalog of books? To search for and access periodicals, books, and other sources in electronic format while off-campus, you can log in to the FC databases through Canvas or MyGateway via the library channel under the myGateway “Fullerton” tab. Then, select a library database and you’re on your way!

If these methods do not work, then we will need to find out what the access problem is, e.g., failure to get the login screen, failure of the server to respond after entering info, error message returned indicating incorrect user ID/password, etc. We will need to know the specific time, student ID & link information. Please note: You can't Google "LexisNexis" or “EBSCO” and enter for free using the FC subscription.

Thank you for contacting the Fullerton College Library.

-           FC Library reference desk