Why is this important?

As the Fullerton College Library archives, documenting the college's history is part of our mission. We are living through a global pandemic and it is important to record the impact it is having on students, faculty, classified staff, and administrators. During our centennial in 2013, the archives provided the majority of the images and information used in exhibits, flyers, and publications used to celebrate Fullerton College's history. These stories will undoubtedly be used by future generations to illustrate the tribulations and triumphs of our campus community during this historically significant event. 


As the Fullerton College Library archives, documenting the college's history is part of our mission. We are living through a global pandemic and it is important to record the impact it is having on students, faculty, classified staff, and administrators. During our centennial in 2013, the archives provided the majority of the images and information used in exhibits, flyers, and publications used to celebrate Fullerton College's history. These stories will undoubtedly be used by future generations to illustrate the tribulations and triumphs of our campus community during this historically significant event. 

  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2021
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Anya Shyrokova

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