Do I have to answer all the questions?

No, however, your name, location, and email address are required to submit this form. The other questions are intended to serve as a prompt to help you write your story, but we hope that the similarities and differences in responses will give future generations a better understanding of this time period. We understand that COVID-19 has affected us all differently and that no two stories will be exactly the same, which is why we’ve also included an open space for you to share anything you’d like.


No, however, your name, location, and email address are required to submit this form. The other questions are intended to serve as a prompt to help you write your story, but we hope that the similarities and differences in responses will give future generations a better understanding of this time period. We understand that COVID-19 has affected us all differently and that no two stories will be exactly the same, which is why we’ve also included an open space for you to share anything you’d like.

  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2021
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Anya Shyrokova

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